Check silverware tray for crumbs
Dishwasher emptied front wiped
Microwave cleaned inside and out
Refrigerator/Freezer cleaned inside and out
Oven outside wiped - inside cleaned
Stovetop wiped
Coffee maker - filters and pot cleaned
Inside of all appliance
Handles wiped
Cabinet exterior spot cleaned
Dining table wiped - edges and chairs

Clean/dust surfaces and floors
Vacuum open areas
Sweep and mop hard floors
Trash removed
Laundry completed/pulled for offsite laundering if needed

Beds made appropriately
Under beds checked - foreign items removed
Dust removed – furniture, windowsills, head/footboards
Drawers and closets checked
Clocks set to current time

We supply our own cleaning supplies.
Replenish dish soap
Leave out two Cascade dish washer tablets
Paper towels with 1 back up
Sponge, dish Cloth or dish Brush
Dish soap (half full at least)
2 Trash bags
Hospitality basket stocked when applicable
TP stocked (2 backup rolls minimum)

All showers/baths are cleaned with bleach and a magic eraser
Toilet cleaned from floor to tank with bleach
Counters/mirror/sink cleaned - free of hair
Shower door/curtain cleaned and bleached, replaced when needed
Bathroom floor swept and mopped
Soap dispenser wiped clean and at least half full
Final Hair Scan (sink/Shower/Bath/Floor)